
From here on in, boring 2005 retrospect. I say that in preperation for, hopefully, a bunch of posts that I will be publishing naming some things that I have done this year that I am happy about and things that I am not so happy about. Basically random thoughts about things that happened this year with no commitment to how many or how much I will write about any of them. Basically I want to make this a little more fun this year as last year I got bored with it and didn't like the way I did it.

Something good...
This first post will be dedicated to how much I like Mike Doughty and how impressed I am with his music. Mark turned me onto Mr. Doughty this year. I think Mark started looking for albums quite a while ago, maybe even while he was working at Best Buy, but was never able to find one. I don't know how it happened, but this year he finally found an album (Haughty Melodic) and shared the album with me. I listened to it a heck of a lot and really liked everything about it. I don't think there is a song on that album that I don't like. Then Mark came home with a re-release of two older albums which are equally as good. So, that is when I think I became a full fledged Mike Doughty junkie. In November I found an "Itunes Exclusive" Doughty EP. It has a couple of live tracks and a cover of "The Gambler", which is quickly becoming a highly played song in my library. I think overall I have just become a fan of more relaxed music this year, not as fast, not as loud, just more good.

Onto something bad...
Most people that know me know that I watch a lot of movies and go to see alot in the theatre. I have very little discretion when it comes to new movies, although I do tend to stay away from the really bad ones. In the case of Doom though, I made a mistake. I guess I have never learned my lesson about movies based on video games. This was not only stupid, but the first person camera thing at the end was just rediculous. So there you go, I think Hollywood owes me a thank you letter for boosting their lackluster box office this year. Serioiusly I even went to see this movie completely void of any redeeming value.