
Simple math, and my fear of calculus

Today, as in the past, I am working on some accounting in my office. For the first time in a while I was stuck with something and could not think my way around it. I spent quite a large portion of an hour adding and subtracting things and ocassionally dividing and multiplying them. Nothing seemed to work. I took a break from looking at it and came back fifteen minutes later to realize that the mistake I was making was in typing in the numbers. Had I originally used a calculator to get my numbers, I would have been typing in the correct numbers. But as it is I used my brain calculator and it seriously misfigured the two checks I was additioning.

So let this be a lesson not to addition in your head when a calculator is within an arms reach.

And on that note (of complete stupidity), I will be taking some college course(s) next semester in the hope that I might be able to find something interesting to do. I am interested in teaching, so I will most likely focus on history or something like that so that I can teach in a high school at some point down the road.